How can we create a new visual language for the future and potential future scenarios?
It’s kind of paradoxical in a way, we live in a world where our desires, hopes and dreams are shaped to a large extend by images, as seen in advertising and the media. At the same time when it comes to our understanding and vision of the future, we still don’t put a strong emphasis on the process and creation of images and visuals alongside scientific research and methodologies.
What if the visual language would play a significant role in workshops, panel discussions and research about the future, making it more tangible and create a different awareness and enthusiasm for potential scenarios? While at the same time involve people in the creation of very different scenarios and avoid future stereotypes that are sometimes repeated unconsciously.
Based on a workshop from zukuenfte.net on the ‘Future of Innovation’ this VISUAL challenges us to think beyond our existing horizon and especially beyond the digital realm.
DREAMSCAPE is one out of many possible visualisation techniques for future scenarios. This one is designed to foster the imagination of the viewer.
IMAGINIS sees it’s role in developing new possibilities and methodologies for the creation of visual future scenarios. As well as raising the awareness that there is not one ideal way of illustrating the future but many different ones. Like a visual language or future vocabulary different creative techniques and types of visualisation will lead to different learnings and might foster different parts of our imagination.
Forrest Cities is an example of an alternative future scenario: an urban society living in symbiosis with nature. It is not meant to be a realistic scenario, but a thought-provoking one.
Currently these types of FUTURE VISUALS have been explored by IMAGINIS (f.e. in workshops) and are part of constant iterations:
- MACRO AXONOMETRY – This type of VISUAL puts the viewer in the driver’s seat by looking at the future from above. Based on playful elements and game-like simplicity. It therefor puts strong emphasis on the educational value of complex scenarios.
- AUGMENTED REALISM – This VISUAL presents a modified future version of the present and creates confidence through familiar elements. Based on collage-techniques where present and future blend into new potential scenarios.
- DREAMSCAPE – The aim of this VISUAL is especially to foster the imagination of the viewer. Dream-like scenes that blend into each other, with roughly sketched story elements that are open for interpretation.
- TIME CAPSULE – This VISUAL takes the viewer on an unknown journey to the future. Unfamiliar environments, illustrated by storyboard-like artwork, have to be discovered and raise questions about the ‘How’ and ‘Why’ of thought-provoking scenarios.
Future Visuals / Speculative Design / Visual Research
Partner: Zukuenfte.net
Timeline: 2020 –
Status: Ongoing
Visualisation: IMAGINIS